Healthy Anger, Empowered Boundaries

This class will teach you how to befriend your anger & express it in a healthy way — through owning your needs, making clear requests, & setting empowered boundaries!

Healthy Anger, Empowered Boundaries

an 8-WEEK CLASS for growth-oriented women

This 8-week class is for growth-oriented women who want to have a much healthier relationship with their anger & get a whole lot better at setting boundaries.


If you, like most women, weren't allowed to be angry, stick up for yourself, or say no — and now you struggle to have a healthy sense of self-protection & set boundaries that make you feel well-cared for — this class is for you!

During our 8-weeks together, we will:

Unpack why anger is such a vitally important emotion. Reframe disempowering messages you received through a feminist lens. And load you up with practical skills to hear what your anger is saying to you, express it in a healthy way, & take action on your own behalf — by effectively expressing your needs, making requests, & setting empowered boundaries.

If you're READY to say goodbye to stuffing or exploding your anger, as well as going along with things that leave you brimming with resentment, join me!  

"I've done years of step work & counseling & this is by far the best information I have ever come across! It's been nothing short of life altering for me. I feel empowered & resourced in my life & relationships as a result." - D

"I finally see how much I've betrayed myself to be the 'nice' girl, how much I truly deserve, & my patriarchy glasses are clearer than ever! I felt part of an amazing community of women & the class's pragmatic approach helped me make some real changes in my life. I cannot recommend this class enough!" - L

"I felt incredibly validated throughout the course in terms of — I am feeling my feelings for a good reason and it's my job as an adult woman to listen to what those feelings are telling me about my current situation so that I can better protect my energy." - A

"I get to be angry. What a fucking epiphany! I also get to have boundaries. Hearing, acknowledging, & feeling my anger is by far the best act of self love I have ever learned... & absolutely necessary to being well boundaried. Use this class to begin reinstating your self confidence & power." - R

• Why anger is such a vitally important emotion.
• Why anger is taboo for women, how this serves patriarchy, & why it's so important to resist. 
• Becoming familiar with how anger works inside your body.
• Skills to "hear" what your anger is saying to you.
• Practices to work with & metabolize your anger.
• Trusting, rather than stuffing, your resentment, frustration, & anger.
• Healthy vs. unhealthy ways of expressing anger.
• Creating personal boundaries with yourself to stay in the "healthy anger-zone."
• Reacting to what's happening now vs. taking past unresolved anger out on people.
• The audacity to center yourself & take action on your own behalf.
• Dealing with how trusting your anger & honoring your needs changes your life.


• What boundaries are & how to express them so people actually hear you.
• You deserve to feel protected & have boundaries.
• Why boundaries are uniquely difficult for women.
• Owning & expressing your needs. 
• Making requests & speaking from a place of personal responsibility. 
• Setting boundaries skillfully.
• Maintaining boundaries once you establish them.
• Refining your personal code of what behaviors you are & are not ok with.
• Holding your ground when folks give you pushback.
• Knowing when a situation is workable & when it's a deal-breaker.
• Accepting when it's time to walk away.

• Authenticity vs attachment.
• Self-care as you integrate doing things differently.
• Traps women often fall into & how to avoid them
• How revolutionary & wildly self-loving it is to trust yourself & hold onto your personhood in a world that expects you to exist for others!




Each week I'll spend ~90 min. breaking down our weekly topic that will include experiential exercises to help you soak it in. We'll then have ~45 min. for Q&A and mini coaching sessions, where you can get direct support and I'll be an open book sharing with you everything I know.

Following each week's class, you'll receive the class recording and reflection question that will help you integrate what you're learning.

There will be  a private Facebook group to connect with the other participants throughout the week.

If you're done feeling daunted by your anger and frustrated about how to effectively stick up for yourself, please join me for Healthy Anger, Empowered Boundaries!


We'll meet for 8 weeks, weaving together healthy anger & boundary skills, feminist insights, self reflection, & ample coaching support to help you massively upgrade your ability to be a fierce & unapologetic self-advocate. 

This is NOT for women who are in imminent crisis or who want other people to fix what's happening in their life. 

Women who are working on getting freer from good girl and need skills to not just feel over it, but learn how to do things differently.

Women who are ready to make their needs and well-being a higher priority, even if that means feeling a tad uncomfortable as you try on new ways of operating.

Growth-oriented women who want to learn how to have a healthy relationship with their anger, take empowered action on their own behalf, & massively upgrade their boundary skills!


"I feel much more able to choose differently now.

This class is like being given a handbook to the invisible rules of society and how much they’ve shaped my life. It helped me forgive myself for choices I made while not really wanting to, but believing I ‘should’ (like getting married & ending up in a patriarchal relationship and being unable to understand why it made me feel like I was dying inside). It helped me understand my relationship with my mum feeling entitled to me and to step more out of that to prioritize my own wellbeing. It helped me feel I have a right to draw boundaries at work. Mostly though, it allowed me to stop blaming myself for finding the construct of gender roles difficult to live in. It’s not an exaggeration to say I’ve found this class life changing."

- J

"The skills I gained far surpassed my expectations.

I loved this class and looked forward to it each week. I learned to connect with myself and get clear on communicating my wants and needs, which positively effected both my professional and personal relationships. The structure and format was fantastic, the charts were clear, explanations easy to understand, the FB was outstanding, and Robin’s weekly emails with journaling prompts, videos, and resources were great. I would HIGHLY recommend, don't hesitate and sign up! I plan on repeating it when it’s offered next.

- E

"There were so many jaw-dropping moments.

The biggest takeaway from this class was explaining how to set a boundary and defining the stages of the process. I loved her examples and stories because they painted real-life examples of how boundaries operate. Robin has a way of concisely stating things I’ve felt, but struggled to put into words. She's well-read and you can tell has spent a lot of time studying this content. I also felt incredibly validated throughout the course in terms of — I'm feeling my feelings for a good reason and it's my job as an adult woman to listen to what those feelings are telling me about my current situation so that I can better protect my energy. I can’t wait to take more of Robin’s classes!

- A

"This was a necessary life-changing investment! 

I gathered enough clarity and strength to leave an unhealthy situationship, opened my eyes to how much I neglected myself, my needs, and my own voice in relationships, and got amazing tools to get more in touch with my feelings and efficiently communicate them. The meetings were sometimes fun and sometimes challenging since it touched on some deep wounds that needed to come to surface. The little community we created became such a safe supportive space and I’m forever grateful for it."

- S

This class is for growth-oriented women who want to learn how to have a healthier relationship with their anger & become fiercely loving self-advocates. Most women are taught to stuff their anger & center other people. This class will turn this bit of good girl training on its head & teach you how to trust your anger, center your well-being, & set empowered boundaries. If this sounds like the glow up you need, you'll love this class!

Who is this for?







You’ll get the most out of the class, as well as the ability to ask questions & have 1-1 coaching with me if you attend. And it’s perfectly fine if you don't attend the live class as I’ll send you the recording & weekly reflections questions that will help you integrate what we’re working on.

Do I need to attend every class?







Yes. If you email me within the 15 days of the class start date, I'll happily give you a full refund. If you let me know after that, I'll offer you a pro-rated refund.

If this class ends up not being a good fit for me, can I get a refund?







This class will welcome you into a feminist convo on anger & load you up with practical boundary skills. But it's entirely up to you about when, how, & if you choose to use them in your life. My aim is to help you feel more resourced so that WHEN you want to assert yourself, you CAN. If this sounds empowering, sign up. If it sounds overly-confronting, skip it. 

I need this class but I'm scared to make changes in my life. Sign up or skip it?








“Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves even when we risk disappointing others.”

— Brené Brown

Real talk

Women struggle with boundaries because they fly in the face of the other-oriented, be who people are comfortable with you being way we were raised. 

Additionally, we’re taught to suppress our anger, which is the internal signal we most need in order to know when our boundaries are being crossed!

Turning all of this deeply baked-in good girl training on its head by befriending our anger, prioritizing our needs, and setting boundaries — and holding our ground when folks are disappointed or angry with us — is no small task.

Yet there are few things that will make us feel more free or safe to be our authentic selves than cultivating a healthy relationship with our anger & developing the confidence to unapologetically stick up for ourselves.

If this is the glow up you want for yourself, please join me for Healthy Anger, Empowered Boundaries!

2024 DATES: 
Oct. 19, 26
Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23, -.
Dec. 7, 14.

• INVESTMENT: Pay what you can!
If you're flush &/or have taken one of my classes before so you know how much value you're about to receive, please pay with generosity.

• REFUNDS: If you email me within the 15 days of the class start date, I'll happily give you a full refund. If you let me know after that, I'll offer you a pro-rated refund.

STRUCTURE: We'll meet on Zoom. Each week's class will be recorded in full and sent to you along with reflection exercises to help you integrate what we worked on that week. Each week builds on the last so while it's completely OK to miss a week or two, please be prepared to watch the video at some point during the week so you're caught up before the next class. Also! It's entirely OK if you participate virtually & you don't attend the live classes at all. 

• HIGHLY SUGGESTED BUT NOT REQUIRED READING: The Dance of Anger by Harriet Lerner.

• PARTY BONUS: While you're in this class you'll get a discount on individual coaching sessions. And once you sign up you'll get my suggested reading list that will plant all sorts of empowering, self-advocacy ideas in your mind!



I'm a feminist life coach for women & have worked with women individually and in groups for 20 years. I'm an advocate for women to get free from the codependent, good-girl conditioning that has us looking for security in others. And a guide supporting women to cultivate a solid sense of ground within

My aim for Healthy Anger, Empowered Boundaries is to give you tools & support to help you reclaim what was taken from you — an in-tact relationship with your anger & the confidence to unapologetically stick up for yourself.

Tbh, it took me forever to figure out how to fully set boundaries, so I get how daunting it can feel. AND a lot of why women struggle with anger, boundaries, & self-advocacy is because everything we were taught is so disempowering & the exact opposite of what we need!

It doesn’t have to be like this though. So please allow me to share my hard-won wisdom with you so you can learn to trust your anger, take empowered action on your own behalf, & massively upgrade your boundary game!